The Animal Phobia Specialists: Change your life in just a day!
The Most Effective Spider Phobia Therapy In The UK

It is estimated that well in excess of 10 million people, in the UK alone, have an extreme fear of spiders. If this is you, then please jump straight to our Spider Courage Experience page for information on how we can help you dramatically change your life in just one day!
Overcome your fear of spiders with Creature Courage.
Welcome to Creature Courage. We are specialist spider and animal phobia specialists. We pride ourselves on our reputation as being the leading animal phobia therapists who not only treat the symptoms of fear, but the root cause, too! This helps us achieve incredible results that last. We can say with confidence that we will help banish your animal phobia for good and, just for good measure, we will improve your reaction to overall anxiety as well!
We treat all animal phobias, you can find the list here, but we particularly focus on arachnophobia or the fear of spiders. It’s not just that the fear of spiders is the most common phobia in the UK (and the World, too, come to mention it) but we specialise in spider phobia because that’s not our experience of spiders at all. We are the UK’s leading spider phobia specialists because we know how fascinating and complex these arachnids are, and how essential to our own human health they are, too. We believe we are perfectly placed to teach you the skills to cope with your spider fear and bring you past it to a world of fascination and understanding. You don’t need to rush of and buy your own (you can leave that to us), but you will leave us with all the knowledge and skills to face your fears for a life of far less stress.
We’re based in London and are easily accessible by public transport.
Creature Courage is fully licensed, fully insured and DBS checked. Animal Activity License # 2019/041827
(We do not display any real images of spiders or other animals on this website except in our Good Morning Britain Videos, where tarantulas were used in the filming. We have done this to ensure our website is non-threatening and that anyone can learn about animals, understand their motives, when and why they might interact with humans, and how you can take the first steps into living animal phobia free without signing up to a single session. We hope you enjoy the contents we’ve worked hard to curate and we welcome any feedback. Thank you.

A Holistic Approach To Animal Phobia Treatment
We want you to have a life changing experience. Not only to find liberation from your animal phobia, but to create a positive dynamic life change that reduces your overall anxiety! By building your overall confidence we can, therefore, help you create a more courageous, healthier and happier quality of life. We want you to enjoy your life to the fullest, which includes all the animals that will inevitably play some part within it.

100% Phobia Guarantee, Let Us Carry Your Stress!
Our techniques are based on the science of the mind and this is why we achieve such a high success rate, most people only need to see us once to achieve complete freedom! At Creature Courage, we want to help you get over your phobia quickly, for an affordable price. Is has happened but very rarely does an individual ever need a second session, so confident are we that we will heavily discount a second session should it ever be required.
We do have different packages for people who might need more time or who want to do more in-depth work around their general anxiety. However, if you come into a session as determined as we are, there is no reason you cannot get over your fear in short order – we will work with you until your phobia is gone…for good.

Phobias Limit Life
A fear of animals can be extremely limiting. It can leave you feeling embarrassed, and get in the way of social plans. It can be debilitating and sometimes even dangerous in certain situations.
Animals, like spiders, dogs, cats or birds, can be unpredictable and show up anywhere at, pretty much, anytime. They can even be unavoidable, despite your best efforts, and ruin your quality of life due to the constant anxiety. Fear can also limit what you do and where you go. A phobia isn’t just an inconvenience, it can take your freedom.

Ready for Change?
Does your phobia leave you feeling worn down through the stress and helplessness you struggle with everyday?
Are you tired of feeling stressed out for hours after an animal encounter? Are you tired of letting your fear dictate what you do with your life? Are you ready to empower yourself to become courageous and live life to the fullest?
Well, here’s the good news – your fear can be overcome, and not in months or years of expensive therapy but, in one single day!

The Solution Is Here!
Our single day workshops are designed by skilled psychologists, and built to be truly life-changing. We use our unique combination therapy to help you overcome your fear, quickly and in a lasting way. You will even be able to use what you’ve learned to address other areas of anxiety in your life.
We use proven methods to bring you proven results.
Don’t give fear any more of your time, call with Creature Courage and change your life!
Happy Clients
“Creature Courage has definitely changed my life. The workshops transformed my mind and gave me a lot more freedom. I am now actually planning to visit countries with big spiders that I wouldn’t have considered before.”
“Petrified of spiders (even photos of them) my entire life yet there I was capturing house spiders and holding tarantulas within 4 hours. Went in totally skeptical and left mind blown. You owe it to yourself to do this workshop.”
“I wish I’d had access to a therapy like this years ago! My life is so much better now that I’m phobia-free so I would recommend these workshops to anybody. Don’t fight it alone if you don’t have to!”
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