Spider Season

As the summer fades and the cool breeze of autumn begins to make its presence felt, homeowners across the UK brace themselves for the inevitable arrival of spider season. Suddenly far more spiders are found scurrying about. This period, filled with an uptick in arachnid activity, can be a cause of concern for many. However, spider season doesn’t have to necessary be a time for dread.

Let’s take a moment to explore when spider season occurs, the reasons behind it and how to cope with it in a positive way. The key to overcoming fear is transforming it into fascination. Hopefully I can build some deeper understanding for our eight-legged visitors and provide tools to embrace them with courage.

What is Spider Season?

Spider season refers to the time of year when spiders become most visible and active. It is not just a UK phenomenon but happens in many places around the world. During this period, typically late summer to early autumn, spiders are more likely to be seen scuttling across floors instead of just sitting on their webs like usual. Several factors contribute to this surge in spider activity:

  1. Mating Season: The primary reason for increased spider visibility during this time is their mating season, spider sexy time! Male spiders venture out in search of females, leading to more frequent sightings inside our homes. It is a very female dominant world for spiders as the males have to do all the work to find a mate!
  2. Temperature Changes: As temperatures drop, some spider species seek warmer environments, sometimes finding their way indoors. However, most species are just fine in the cold.
  3. Humidity Levels: Spiders thrive in humid conditions. The transition from summer to autumn, with its fluctuating humidity, creates an ideal environment for spiders.

When is Spider Season in the UK?

In the UK, spider season generally spans from August to October, with peak activity observed in September. The exact timing can vary depending on the weather and environmental conditions each year. In the UK, we can have very different summers from year to year, some being mostly hot and dry, others being cooler and rainier. Weather conditions play a crucial role in determining the start and end of spider season. A warm, dry summer followed by a cool, damp autumn can extend the season, while an unusually cold or wet summer might shorten it.

Spiders are highly adaptable creatures, and their activity levels can fluctuate based on these environmental factors. Sometimes the male spiders can start hunting for females as early as June or July. And in other situations, they can still be searching as late as November.

Peak Spider Season Activity in September

September is the month when spiders are most active. This heightened activity is due to the mating season reaching its zenith. Once the male is fully matured, he only has a short time to find a female, usually only a couple of months. Male spiders mature quicker and live much shorter lives then female spiders to decrease the chance of siblings mating.  Usually, the males are maturing late August and are ready to hook up with the hot females by September. This is why we have increased sightings in homes during September.

Spider Mating Season (Spider Sexy Time!)

The spider mating season is a fascinating aspect of arachnid behaviour. During this time, male spiders leave their webs in search of receptive females. This period is not only crucial for the continuation of their species but also a significant factor in the increased spider sightings during spider season.

Interesting Facts About Spider Mating and Reproduction

  1. Pedipalps: Male spiders use specialized appendages called pedipalps to transfer sperm to the female. First the male will make something called a sperm web. This is where he ejaculates into the web then sucks up the sperm into his specially adapted pedipalps. Pedipalps are kind of like the ‘hands’ of the spider, the little short legs at the front. When not mating, spiders use them to help themselves eat.
  2. Mating Rituals: Male spiders perform intricate courtship rituals to attract females, often involving dances and making calculated vibrations on the females’ web. If he is lucky, he will not be devoured by the female and she will let him mate with her. It just depends on how hungry she is or if she has already been mated with. If he is REALLY lucky, he will escape being eaten by her after mating and maybe find another female to mate with. Like I said, it’s a very female dominated world with spiders!
  3. Egg Sacs: After mating, female spiders lay eggs in silk sacs, which they carefully guard until the spiderlings hatch. A female spider only has to mate once to produce multiple egg sacs. Essentially, she can store the sperm and impregnate herself any time she likes! (Which is usually all the time.)

If you want to find out even more about spiders unique mating behaviours, check out this article.

Why Do Spiders Come Inside?

Spiders entering homes during spider season is a common occurrence. But why do they do this? Many people think it is on purpose and that spiders would prefer it inside of our homes. But actually, this could not be further from the truth. Our homes are not very suitable environments for spiders. Most of us do not want damp homes, so spiders often dry out when inside our homes from heating and lack of moisture. This is why we see them in the bathrooms so often, the poor spiders are desperate for a drink. Also, there are not a lot of insects to eat inside nor mates. Plus, a lot more danger with humans and pets!

Spiders come into house mainly for two reasons:

  1. Spiders are very numerous
  2. Male spiders wonder desperately trying find a mate. They do not understand the concept of inside or outside so they are just accidently wondering into our homes. Plus, most spiders can’t see very well at all. Additionally, all spiders are deaf. So out of their webs they really are just bumbling idiots not really knowing where they are heading.

Entry Points

Spiders can enter homes through various entry points, including:

  • Cracks in walls or foundations
  • Gaps around windows and doors
  • Vents and chimneys
  • Openings around pipes and wiring
  • Spaces under the door

Spiders do not come up from the plumping, that is only a myth! The only reason they would climb out of a sink or bath drain is because it either fell down accidently or was washed down on purpose! Washing a spider down the drain is not only cruel but pointless. They have a super hero power of using the hairs on their bodies to create air bubbles to help them survive many drowning situations.

Managing Spider Presence in Your Home

Here at Creature Courage we want to encourage compassion and a respectful relationship with spiders. However, we understand that still means that you ideally don’t them in your house. Additionally, it is also better for the spider to be outside so it can live its natural life and keep insect populations down. Keeping spiders out of your home requires a combination of preventative measures and active management. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain a spider-free environment during spider season:

Preventative Measures

  1. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for cracks, gaps, and openings, and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.
  2. Keep Your Home Clean: Regular cleaning reduces the number of hiding spots and food sources for spiders. Pay attention to corners, under furniture, and behind appliances.
  3. Reduce Clutter: Minimize clutter in your home, as it provides ideal hiding spots for spiders.

Natural Methods to Help With Spider Season

  1. Essential Oils: Use essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil, which are known to repel spiders. Mix a few drops with water and spray around entry points and spider-prone areas.
  2. Vinegar: Vinegar is another natural repellent. Mix equal parts vinegar and water and spray it in areas where spiders are likely to enter.
  3. Chestnuts: Placing chestnuts around your home can deter spiders. The smell of chestnuts is believed to repel them.

Of course we would never recommend using chemical methods for killing spiders. This is not only cruel but can create toxins in your own home that can endanger pets and other wildlife. Many of these toxins can be dangerous to humans as well if it contaminates food.

Getting Over the Fear of Spiders is the Best Method

All of the above methods, though natural and safe, run the risk of just increasing your anxiety. Over focusing on keeping spiders out and putting a lot of thought and effort into it is actually just putting a lot of thought and effort into fear. You are accidently reinforcing the idea that spiders are a real threat to your survival instinct part of your brain. This can cause a spider phobia to get worse.

Additionally, no avoidance strategy will keep all spiders out of your house so it is a losing battle that can consume your mind. Getting therapy to feel more relaxed and calmer and even ambivalent around spiders is a much better way.  Then spider season stops becoming a fixation of fear for months and just a normal part of life.

We can also embrace spiders as something positive when we learn how much good they are actually doing for the environment and keeping insects at bay. Check this blog post out about how spiders are just as important for the environment as the bees!

Creature Courage, Get Over Your Fear of Spiders in Just One Day!

Creature Courage is the UK’s leading arachnophobia therapy. We have a 99% success rate of getting people over their fears in just one day! This is because our therapy is based in neuroscience with proven methods and proven results. Our therapy will not only help you get over your spider phobia but will also help you address your overall mental health. We are very holistic in our approach as we know all anxiety triggers are connected. You will develop better habits around anxiety and learn how to become a more courageous person.

You will have a completely new understanding and feeling around spiders, finding them fascinating and important creatures to our ecosystems. We will help you to also build compassion for spiders that will help you forget your fear for good. So, there is no need to keep dreading spider season when a phobia can be easily cured!

Life is too short to live in fear! Especially as there is an effective solution that is both quick and fun! Join us for the Spider Courage Experience this summer and autumn and embrace spider sexy time as a positive life changing opportunity. Contact us today for your free consultation to find out more.

 Ps. The cool spider cartoon art is by illustrator Christine Fleming. 

FAQs About Spider Season in the UK

When is spider season in the UK?

Spider season typically occurs from late summer to early autumn, with peak activity in September.

How long does spider season last?

Spider season usually lasts for a few months, generally from August to October.

Why do spiders come inside homes?

Spiders accidently come inside, not on purpose. This is due to them being very numerous and the males leaving their webs to wonder to try to find a mate.

What attracts spiders to houses?

As mentioned most spiders are not attracted to our houses though some species do prefer the warmth. Our houses are usually a very bad environment for them with a lack of moisture, food and increased danger from humans and pets.

How can I keep spiders out of my house?

Keep your home clean and clutter-free, seal entry points, use natural methods like peppermint oil and maintain a dry environment. However, it will be impossible to fully keep spiders out of your house. So, actually, getting therapy to not care if they come inside is the best method of all!

When does spider season end?

Spider season typically ends by late autumn, around October, the latest November depending on weather conditions.

What month are spiders most active?

Spiders are most active in September.

How do spiders mate?

Spiders have a unique mating process involving the transfer of sperm via pedipalps. Pedipalps are the short looking legs at the front of the spider.

What are some natural ways to deter spiders?

Use essential oils like peppermint, keep your home clean, and remove spider webs regularly.

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